Cuba is the largest of the islands in the Caribbean and it is a gorgeous place to visit.

The pristine beaches, history that fascinates, awe-inspiring scenery and a rich culture all await you when you decide upon Cuba as your vacation getaway destination.

What to Pack as to Clothing?

It is warm and balmy on the island of Cuba. The best types of clothing to pack are light fabrics such as cotton especially for your outdoor activities.

Air conditioning can be found in most of the expected places so you should carry along a light sweater or jacket to prevent goosebumps.

The months of May through October are when the rainy season strikes so you may want to bring along rain gear if you are planning to visit during that time of year.

Casual resort wear is typically worn but if you are planning on visiting such venues as the theatre or an elegant restaurant you may want to pack formal wear for those occasions.

Getting into Cuba

You are allowed to bring your personal affects into Cuba without paying duty. You can also bring along 10 kg. of medication, 1 carton of cigarettes, 2 bottles of liquor and gifts of up to $250. Only $50 of that amount is free of duty while the remainder is 100% taxable.

No firearms or narcotics are permitted though there are no restrictions as to the amount of money brought in. It is advised that amounts over $5000 be declared. You are allowed to bring in DVD players and VCRs as that ban has been lifted. As of 12/07 visitors cannot bring in walkie talkies.

Leaving Cuba

You will need to pay a departure tax of $25 Cuban Convertible pesos when departing the country. You will be allowed to take up to 50 cigars and two bottles of liquor. If you intend to bring out other items such as antiques or art you will need to contact the National Registry of Cultural Objects and get a permit.

No plants or animals will be allowed to leave Cuba though you can take items that are made from specific CITES approved species.

Cuba is one of the loveliest of the Caribbean Islands. Here people are warm and friendly and the prior restrictions in place under Fidel Castro are now easing as Cuba is looking towards tourist dollars to be spent in their country. Look into a vacation on this tropical island close to the United States though seemingly a world away.


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