One of the best ways to explore the world’s waters is by snorkelling. This gives you the opportunity to see the variety of marine lifethe planet has to offer as well as the beautiful colors of the waters and coral reefs. These are some of the best spots on the globe for snorkeling adventures.

1. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

(photo by buymeasoda)

This amazing area stretches for about 1,800 miles and is known as an ecological wonder. There’s colourful coral galore as well as dozens of species of birds and fish, along with dolphins, porpoises, and whales, making it heaven for snorkelers. It’s easy to see why it’s known as a natural wonder of the world. The coral here has been evolving close to 10 million years. One of the most popular spots is the Whitsunday Islands.

2. Hanauma Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, USA

(photo by amyfish0905)

This wonderful beach was made out of volcanic cone. The scenery is spectacular and there are all kinds of sea and animal life in the beautiful blue waters. These include parrot fish and turtles. The bay is located east of Honolulu, making it an ideal day trip.

3. Panama

(photo by angela rutherford)

This unlikely country is actually one of the best in the world for water sports and adventures. There is a group of islands with secluded areas along the coastline that are amazing places for experienced snorkelers and beginners alike.

4. The Houtman Abrolhos, Indian Ocean

(photo by lsmanrique)

These are also known as the Abrolhos Islands and they are situated in the Indian Ocean just off of Australia. The reef is filled with a wide variety of seabirds and other tropical marine life. The islands also feature a Dutch sea vessel named the Batavia, which became shipwrecked there way back in 1629.

5. St. Maarten

(photo by msbee33178)

This is a wonderful spot for beginners to try their hand at snorkelling. It features clam, clear waters as well as some fantastic white, sandy beaches. Some of the best spots for snorkelling include Cay Bay, Mullet Bay, and Dawn Beach.

6. Fiji

(photo by carmyarmyofme)

This beautiful island is surrounded by spectacular clear waters. It’s known as the world’s capital of soft coral as there are three types of reefs in Fiji. These are fringing, atolls, and barrier. Swimming and snorkelling can be enjoyed among numerous species of colourful tropical. One of the most popularspots is the coast of Viti Levu Island.

7. The Red Sea, Egypt

(photo by karialimi)

The Red Sea features well over 1,000 species of fish along its 1,200 miles of coral reef. One of the best spots for snorkeling is Egypt’s Ras Muhammad National Park. However, make sure you read up on the different type of marine life there first as some of them may be harmful.

8. Turks and Caicos

(photo by cambelina)

These islands are well known for being home to some of the best diving and snorkelling spots on the planet. Jacques Cousteau even listed it as one of his favourite destinations. You’ll be able to witness a variety of tropical fish, sharks, and sea turtles and if you’re lucky, the odd whale will also be swimming by.

9. Ningaloo Reef, Australia

(photo by outbackcoastsafaris)

This coral reef lies on the west coast of Australia and sits about 720 miles north of the city of Perth. It’s teeming with wildlife, such as manta rays, whales, whale sharks and hundreds of species of fish. The reef is about 175 miles in length and is quite shallow in some areas, making it an ideal spot for snorkelers.

10. Na Pali, Kauai, Hawaii, USA

(photo by Avital Gertners)

This stunning and secluded coastal region sits on Kauai’s northwest coast. You have to reach it by helicopter, water, or by hiking. It’s filled with beautiful clear waters and features nearby lava tubes and waterfalls.


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