If you are a travel passionate (by this name understanding the typical person who might one day become a travel blogger), then traveling gets you in the position of not being able to exist without your gadgets.

The useful things we grow accustomed to, are those we like to use even when climbing the mountains or going for a swim in the sea. The modern world got us dependent on our electrical and why not solar powered pals, hence we cannot function without them.

2011 brings forth an even larger number of trendy gadgets. However if we care for living and traveling light there are a few patterns we should follow and still keep your favorite high tech friends near.


 A GPS is truly a must. Especially when you go on vacation by car, the function is something that will get you out of trouble. You can use for this the phone service because the large majority of smart phones come with an integrated GPS function.

MP3 or MP4 players are something you probably can’t do without especially if traveling long distances with a dull means of transport like the train. During long hours this will be your trusted friends. Surprisingly, this function can be also covered by a high tech phone.


universal translator is something mighty handy especially if you travel abroad and you haven’t enough time to practice the language. The problem can be solved with Google translator and a 3G connection on your phone.

No matter if you are on a business trip or a vacation the trend calls for your presence online to keep your Facebook friends up to speed with your adventures. A laptop is a must but a PC tablet and why not an iPad would complete the task even better.

Apart from the fact that it can offer you the internet mobility you need, it can also improve your communication capability, Google translator being only one of the many possibilities you have.


A mobile internet service with an international subscription modem would cover your necessity for communication. However if this tends to be too expensive you can always use the instant paid internet service most countries have adopted.

Most important is to try and combine as many functions as you can in one gadget. This way you will not risk to be left without, especially if your destination is not exactly the safest in the book.


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